Sunday 7 July 2013

Chronological reading list for A Feast for Crows & A Dance with Dragons


Just to be absolutely clear, I'm going to warn you all again - this post contains spoilers for ASoIaF so only read it if you're up to date with the series and have read A Dance with Dragons.

Okay, so that's my disclaimers over and done with now and I can get on with the rest of this post! I hope I don't to sound too angry in them, by the way, but I know how annoyed I'd have been if someone foretold ASoIaF for me and I don't want to see anybody leaving comments beneath this post moaning that I've given stuff away! So I'm going to assume that everyone reading to this point has now read A Dance with Dragons...

As you have, will have undoubtedly noticed that its chronology is weird and actually overlaps with A Feast for Crows. As I understand it, this is largely due to problems that George R. R. Martin had while he was writing the series. Following A Storm of Swords, Martin had originally wanted the series to jump ahead by a few years and had actually started writing Feast as if it had. He had only gotten a short way into the book, however, before he realised that this idea wasn't going to work and had to start again (which was a factor in the length of time it took to complete the novel). So Martin re-planned his concept for Feast,  but found that while the time jump didn't work for some characters, it did for others. Furthermore, he found that he had too many characters to write about simultaneously and, hey-presto, we've ended up with two chronologically overlapping books.

Obviously this has led to certain PoV characters being completely absent in one of the two books, which some fans think has 'staled' their storylines somewhat. Many have also suggested that this takes some of the power away from certain revelations because the initial shock has worn off and we've had time to become accustomed to the plot twist. A good example of this is Tyrion Lannister's descent into alcoholism after he murders his father and flees Westeros. By the time we get to read of his fate, we're all long accustomed to his exile!

In response to this, many fans of the series have begun to develop ways of reading Feast and Dance together as one book - we do, afterall, have both of them available now. There have been many problems with this though, which is largely due to the complexity of the story - let's face it, aside from Martin himself, I think we all struggle to comprehend everything that's going on to some degree!

Sean T Collins, however, is one such fan and seems to have had some success with this idea - managing to restructure both of the books into one so that the entire story flows chronologically (at least roughly). And while I'm not really a fan of this idea and will always reread the books exactly as Martin wrote them, I think that the idea sounds fun and has merit. So, if you are interested in this and would like to reread the series in a custom, chronological order, please see below for the chapter list (as it appears on Sean's website). Enjoy!

  1. Prologue (Varamyr): ADWD 1
  2. Prologue (Pate): AFFC 1
  3. The Prophet (Aeron I): AFFC 2
  4. The Captain of Guards (Areo I): AFFC 3
  5. Cersei I: AFFC 4
  6. Tyrion I: ADWD 2
  7. Daenerys I: ADWD 3
  8. Brienne I: AFFC 5
  9. Jon I: ADWD 4
  10. Bran I: ADWD 5
  11. Tyrion II: ADWD 6
  12. The Merchant’s Man (Quentyn I): ADWD 7 ^
  13. Samwell I: AFFC 6
  14. Jon II: ADWD 8
  15. Arya I: AFFC 7
  16. Cersei II: AFFC 8
  17. Jaime I: AFFC 9
  18. Brienne II: AFFC 10
  19. Sansa I: AFFC 11
  20. The Kraken’s Daughter (Asha I): AFFC 12
  21. Tyrion III: ADWD 9
  22. Davos I: ADWD 10
  23. Jon III: ADWD 11
  24. Daenerys II: ADWD 12
  25. Reek I (Theon I): ADWD 13
  26. Cersei III: AFFC 13
  27. The Soiled Knight (Arys): AFFC 14
  28. Bran II: ADWD 14
  29. Tyrion IV: ADWD 15
  30. Davos II: ADWD 16
  31. Brienne III: AFFC 15
  32. Samwell II: AFFC 16
  33. Daenerys III: ADWD 17
  34. Jon IV: ADWD 18
  35. Jaime II: AFFC 17
  36. Tyrion V: ADWD 19
  37. Cersei IV: AFFC 18
  38. Davos III: ADWD 20
  39. The Iron Captain (Victarion I): AFFC 19
  40. The Drowned Man (Aeron II): AFFC 20
  41. Brienne IV: AFFC 21
  42. The Queenmaker (Arianne I): AFFC 22
  43. Arya II: AFFC 23
  44. Alayne I (Sansa II): AFFC 24
  45. Cersei V: AFFC 25
  46. Reek II (Theon II): ADWD 21
  47. Jon V: ADWD 22
  48. Tyrion VI: ADWD 23
  49. Daenerys IV: ADWD 24
  50. The Lost Lord (Jon Connington I): ADWD 25
  51. The Windblown (Quentyn II): ADWD 26
  52. The Wayward Bride (Asha II): ADWD 27
  53. Brienne V: AFFC 26
  54. Samwell III: AFFC 27
  55. Jaime III: AFFC 28
  56. Tyrion VII: ADWD 28
  57. Jon VI: ADWD 29
  58. Davos IV: ADWD 30
  59. Cersei VI: AFFC 29
  60. The Reaver (Victarion II): AFFC 30
  61. Daenerys V: ADWD 31
  62. Melisandre I: ADWD 32
  63. Jaime IV: AFFC 31
  64. Brienne VI: AFFC 32
  65. Reek III (Theon III): ADWD 33
  66. Tyrion VIII: ADWD 34
  67. Cersei VII: AFFC 33
  68. Jaime V: AFFC 34
  69. Cat of the Canals (Arya III): AFFC 35
  70. Samwell IV: AFFC 36
  71. Cersei VIII: AFFC 37
  72. Brienne VII: AFFC 38
  73. Jaime VI: AFFC 39
  74. Cersei IX: AFFC 40
  75. The Princess in the Tower (Arianne II): AFFC 41 ^
  76. Bran III: ADWD 35
  77. Jon VII: ADWD 36
  78. Daenerys VI: ADWD 37
  79. The Prince of Winterfell (Theon IV): ADWD 38
  80. The Watcher (Areo II): ADWD 39
  81. Jon VIII: ADWD 40
  82. Tyrion IX: ADWD 41
  83. The Turncloak (Theon V): ADWD 42
  84. The King’s Prize (Asha III): ADWD 43
  85. Daenerys VII: ADWD 44
  86. Alayne II (Sansa III): AFFC 42
  87. Jon IX: ADWD 45
  88. Brienne VIII: AFFC 43
  89. Cersei X: AFFC 44
  90. Jaime VII: AFFC 45
  91. Samwell V: AFFC 46
  92. The Blind Girl (Arya IV): ADWD 46
  93. A Ghost in Winterfell (Theon VI): ADWD 47
  94. Tyrion X: ADWD 48
  95. Jaime VIII: ADWD 49
  96. Jon X: ADWD 50
  97. Daenerys VIII: ADWD 51
  98. Theon VII: ADWD 52
  99. Daenerys IX: ADWD 53
  100. Jon XI: ADWD 54
  101. Cersei XI: ADWD 55
  102. The Queensguard (Barristan I): ADWD 56
  103. The Iron Suitor (Victarion III): ADWD 57
  104. Tyrion XI: ADWD 58
  105. Jon XII: ADWD 59
  106. The Discarded Knight (Barristan II): ADWD 60
  107. The Spurned Suitor (Quentyn III): ADWD 61
  108. The Griffin Reborn (Jon Connington II): ADWD 62
  109. The Sacrifice (Asha IV): ADWD 63
  110. Victarion IV: ADWD 64
  111. The Ugly Little Girl (Arya V): ADWD 65
  112. Cersei XII: ADWD 66
  113. Tyrion XII: ADWD 67
  114. The Kingbreaker (Barristan III): ADWD 68
  115. The Dragontamer (Quentyn IV): ADWD 69
  116. Jon XIII: ADWD 70
  117. The Queen’s Hand (Barristan IV): ADWD 71
  118. Daenerys X: ADWD 72
  119. Epilogue (Kevan): ADWD 73

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