Tuesday 4 August 2015

Waterstones Releases the Ending of A Song of Ice & Fire!!!

What?! Waterstones has released the ending to A Song of Ice & Fire?! I probably thought exactly the same thing as you when I saw the article's headline pop up and could barely contain a sense of terrified, confused excitement. I'm a huge fan of the series and, since discovering George R. R. Martin, he has become one of my favourite authors. But should Waterstones have released the ending ahead of GRRM's books and HBO's television series?

My answer is 'no,' although, in all fairness, I don't know if Waterstones actually have. After a moment of weakness that I nearly acted on, I decided not to read the article and plan to wait for the upcoming books and series to have the story told properly. I did read the article's description though and apparently Waterstones have released the original outline of the epic series, which GRRM made when he was trying to sell his idea to publishers. The description said the storyline has since diverged somewhat, so who knows how similar the ending will be to GRRM's original idea now ASoIaF has matured.

I guess you have the choice to find out for yourself and can read the article here. To read or not to read? The choice is yours and only one thing is certain, there's no turning back if you go through the looking glass . . .

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